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Saturday 4 June 2011


OK this is my last entry so listen, after we got out of camp green lake we opened the chest and in there laid, gold old notes, diamonds and more, so we split the money with Hector, then he used the money to hire a search party to find his mom and it turned out that his mom was also trying to find him.
and as for me, i left school to enroll for a private school, dad bought a store and started to sell his new product called sploosh, we bought a house with a pool and i now have an Xbox 360 with xbox live, a plasma T.V, a dvd player with speakers and my own laptop.
also ever since i left camp green lake, it became a girl scout camp, and the warden is in jail without parol .
ever since my time at camp green lake i have become skinny, and strong, i haven't been having bad luck and i made a new friend along the way. and we made a book and a movie about my time at the camp called HOLES.


So we were standing in that hole for hours then the warden and the camps councils came over and said that my mom came by, because his time at camp green lake was over, two bad he wasn't there, anyway two more hours passed and Stanley's mom came back in shock to see that i was stuck in a hole with lizards swarming around me
then my mom said that dads finally found the secret to his formula, i then begun climbing out of the hole despite the lizards then we left camp for good, but before we did clouds started to form and rain drops started to fall.


its hopeless we have been wondering around for weeks now and no sign of safety that is until we found a mountain that looked like a giant thumb, my grandpa told me stories about my ancestors climbing this mountain but until then i thought it was just a story, climbing this mountain was the most physically draining activity i ever did, about half way zero told me that he stole those shoes, and that he was sorry, when we finally made it to the top there was a pond and onions, it was shady and as zero began to drink i felt a cense of courage, a cense of happiness like for once in my life i could do anything, the next day zero and i left the garden and searched for the camp, about an hour later i thought why not dig up another hole, so zero and i started to dig and dig and dig until i hit something, so we stopped to pull the mysterious object out, and we found the mythical kate barlows treasure.
as we celebrated a swarm of yellow spotted lizards came rushing out of the hole and we just froze up in fear.


Day seven of walking aimlessly into the dried up lake, but hay at least i found zero, he was lying underneath an upside down boat, there he found these jars of what he called "SPLOOSH" it tastes good, sorta like peaches, anyway, we are not going good without water we will die, or we might find a rattlesnake or worse the dreaded yellow spotted lizards, if a rattle snake bites you, there is a chance that you may survive but if a yellow spotted lizard bites you, you will die slowly and painfully.


OH GOD, Zero has ran away, after me and zigzag got into a fight zero helped me by choking zigzag, then he ran away, but also a new camper has shown up, we call him twitch because he, well twitches allot, he claimed to have stolen a car, he twitches when he gets close to cars.

anyway so three days later i decide to go and find zero, and surprisingly twitch offers to help, so what we did was he distracted Mr Sirr while i took the water truck to find zero but i ended up getting stuck in a hole but that didn't stop me, i just kept on running.


this week has been nuts, first three days ago i found a bullet with K.B written on it, X-ray convinced me to give it to him, and for the last two days we have been digging non stop, but this time as a group, that lasted until yesterday, then today it was back to normal and i am digging holes again.

but i found out zeros real name its Hector Zeroni, cool name i guess, anyway i have to go now so until next time farewell.


i am at week seven of my blog, so back to the blog, so the other day the campers have come up with a nickname for me "CAVE MAN", all the campers in group D have nicknames like: X-ray, armpit, magnet, squid and zigzag, also there's Zero theirs not much to say about him, he's short, got brown hair, doesn't talk much, but he's alright, but he cant read so i offered to teach him in exchange he digs my hole, he is a fast digger the people say that he could dig to china and back. so that is all for today, Stanley out.


Wow six weeks since i started this blog. anyway about camp the other day i was digging and someone stole Mr. Sirr's bag of sunflower seeds, once again i got blamed for something i didn't do, anyway Mr. Sirr sent me to the warden, she has studded boots and a cowboy hat, after Mr. Sirr told her what i did she scratched him with her nails and explained that her nail polish was dried rattlesnake venom, and that she doesn't care about his sunflower seeds and sent me out.

ever since that incident occurred Mr. Sirr refused to refill my canteen, so the only time i could drink when Mr. Pendenscy drive the water truck but on the plus side he gave me extra water because of that little incident.


so far I've been hear for a week now and camp sucks, the campers are rough, the only activity is to dig holes five feet deep and five feet in diameter, the only rules are: don't disobey orders, don't anger the warden, you only get one refill for your 1 liter canteen and if you find anything you are to report it to the warden and if she likes what you find you get the day of, there is only one place were you are actually allowed to relax and the other campers have ruined that to, the T.V doesn't work, the pool table is missing some balls and the radio's antenna is bent  in half, but its better then nothing i suppose.


So now hear i am on the bus to go to camp, i chose camp because personaly i have never been to camp my parents could never afford it, but now i am going for free, well its not exactley a camp as it is a detention center, but its gotta be better then jail. and by the way in case your wondering who's sweet feet, he is an athlete and my personal hero.


Last week i said i was in big trouble, well now i am in even more trouble because apparently those shoes were sweet feet's shoes and he was donating them with a $10000 check for an orphanage, so i now have to go to court but my family is to poor to afford a lawyer and we lost so i had to decide either camp green lake or prison, and hear i am packing my bags for.............?


Ok i am in trouble, big trouble, it all happened two days ago when i was walking home from school a pair of shoes fell on me, the shoes smelt really bad so i thought it may be helpful for my dads project so i picked them up and continued my walk home, but then a cop car puled up beside me and asks me if i found a pair of shoes, so i said yes and then the cops arrest me saying something about charity and important shoes then  i lost interest, and they gave me a lift home.


hi my name is stanley yelnats III
so far i am having a bad day, but then again all of my days are bad. i have very bad luck my grandpa says its because of my no good, dirty, rotten, pig stealing great great grandpa. he says its a curse or something but my mom disagrees with the yelnats curse. my dad doesn't believe in the family curse either. my dad has been recently trying to create a remedy that cures foot odor, which so far has been a complete fail, but he has faith in his project so i do to.